Who & where?
Temporary arrangements for Christ Church Dore services.
The reordering project, Step into the Light, necessitates a move for our worship as on this poster. Why not join in each of these services and see how they feel to you? They will all be different from the previous services we have had in the church building. This is an opportunity for everyone to come together as a church family and welcome others who may not have been to church before. Feedback is always welcome for any improvements we can make.
Where can you find us? ( We look forward to editing this towards the autumn of 2024 as we will have facilities more fitting to the 21st century).
Church Lane, Dore, Sheffield,
postcode for Sat-Nav: S17 3GS or for the map what3words alien.remit.views
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/dorechurch
Parking - there is on street parking around the church, on Church Lane
and Vicarage Lane. We regret that there are no 'Disabled Bays' marked.
Approach - coming from Church Lane, there is an open gateway followed by the path sloping gently down to the main doors of the church building. Coming from Vicarage Lane, there is gated access followed by a sloping pathway up to the main doors of the church building.
Doors - there are double doors to access the porch, a second set of double doors once inside the porch, and further sets of double doors to access the Vestry (and 'Disabled Toilet') and main worship space. Please note, the left hand door of each pair is usually bolted shut, with the bolts top and bottom.
Toilets - there is an 'accessible' toilet which also has Baby change facilities, in the Choir Vestry, located at the rear of the building.
T-loop - is used at every service where the AV system is used, within the main building. It does not currently extend into the area where the Choir Stalls are located.
Wheelchair access - within the main worship space is limited due to the nature of Victorian Pews, and there are steps at the front to access the platform, the Choir Stalls and the Altar
Visuals - the current 10am service uses a screen and projection, the current 8.30am and 5.30pm services use books (kept in the pews). If you need the service in large print, or another format, please let us know and we will do our best to make this happen for you.
Sensory needs - if the environment or noise levels are difficult for you, please feel free to move around the worship space or head out to the inner lobby to find a quieter place
Assistance dogs - please let us know if you are coming with an assistance dog so that we can ensure a bowl of water is available!
Have we forgotten anything? Let us know how we can help
Who's who:
Priest in Charge: Revd Andy Patrick
All correspondence to go via the Parish Office
Townhead Road, Dore, S17 3GA
Tel: 0114 236 3335
Email: vicar@dorechurch.org.uk
Parish Administrator: Katie Casson
Parish Office, Townhead Road, Dore, S17 3GA
Tel: 0114 236 3335
Email: office@dorechurch.org.uk
Monday and Wednesday, 9am-3pm during school term time in the office, 9am-1pm Tuesdays working from home but phone and email communication still available.
Paperwork and communication are key features of this role!
Katie supports the Priest in Charge and the wider church with much of the administration, and is the first port of call for information and church bookings (i.e. weddings, baptisms and funerals)
Lay Reader: Richard Knights
Church Wardens: Sarah Oxby and Lena Plaskitt
In co-operation with the Vicar, church wardens are responsible for the day-to-day functioning of the parish, and offer pastoral support to the Vicar. They are supported by members of the Fabric Group who oversee and advise on aspects of the Church building and maintenance issues. Our deputy church wardens are Lena Plaskitt and David Wood.
Lay Evangelist: Jill Mitchell
Leadership Team:
Richard Knights, Church Wardens, Jill Mitchell Lay Evangelist, Revd Andy Patrick. This Team meets to prayerfully plan services, and offer pastoral care and leadership.
Secretary to the Church Council:
Anita Campbell
The Secretary supports the Church Council with the paperwork for all of its meetings - Agenda, Minutes and Correspondence - and liaises with the Diocese and other churches. e-mail secretary@dorechurch.org.uk
Interim Treasurer for the Church:
Steve Clarke
The Treasurer acts on behalf of the Church Council to handle the financial affairs of the Church, to prepare a yearly budget, and present a report at the Annual General Meeting.
Steve Clarke is supported by a Finance Committee and a Gift Aid secretary, Kath Crosby.
Music Group:
Robin and Honor Condliffe, Nina Patterson, Sarah Oxby, Rosemary Kirkman, Gillian Farnsworth.
Keyboard, flute, cello, drums, and voices make up the music group who lead the 10am congregation in their sung worship.
Richard Knights
Bell ringing is a team activity that stimulates the brain and helps keep you fit ... it also makes a glorious sound! Many consider ringing to be their contribution to church life, others do it for the pure pleasure and the company it brings. Ringers come from all walks of life and range in age from ten to those in their nineties!
Charity Registered Address: Christ Church Dore PCC, Church Office, Townhead Road, Dore Sheffield, S17 3GA
Charity Number: 1128106