Black Lives Matter
Some more information from our Diocese
Church of England Anti-Racism Taskforce report: ‘Lament to action’
First, we want to acknowledge the great cost and pain borne by our sisters and brothers of Global Majority Heritage here in Sheffield and across the wider church. There will be much more to say in response to this publication but for now we encourage you to read it in full. You can find the link here.
We are committed to taking real action for change here in the Diocese, to root out racism and to be the generation to turn words into deeds and reflect the society we seek to serve.
You can find several useful resources to help communicate this vital call to action:
The Archbishop of York’s presidential address to General Synod on Saturday here.
A short film from the Anti-Racism Taskforce issuing a clear mandate for brave conversations about race within the church and an overdue call to action. This five-minute video would be ideal for showing in an online service or prayer gathering or for introducing the topic as part of a PCC meeting. Video here.
The Bishop of Kensington (Rt Rev Graham Tomlin) has written a helpful blog on Race and Grace here. Bishop Graham has played a leading role in supporting the victims of the Grenfell Fire and was one of the Commissioners on the recent ‘Coming Home’ report about housing.
One key recommendation of the report is about Education at all levels. Here in Sheffield we are delighted to commend: A Diverse Theology: A Conversation on Race, Gender and the Bible with Rev Dr Wil Gafney and Chine McDonald on Thursday 20 May 2021 at 16:00 tickets are available through Eventbrite here.
Unconscious Bias Training: 22nd May 2021 now fully booked. Other dates will be available later.
Diversity and Inclusion Policy for Christ Church Dore