The whole church taking the whole Gospel to the whole world - Christ Church's involvement in world mission. As a church we support five mission organisations spread through the UK and the rest of the world and covering all aspects of Christian mission work. We also provide support under the World Mission programme to members of our own congregation who, either long term or short term, are involved in mission work outside the parish. There are links below giving more information about these different organisations and individuals.
Church Mission Society (CMS)
CMS is a mission agency working in partnership with churches in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Europe. Established in 1799,the Society's goal remains the same - to spread the Gospel to every part of the world. Our mission partners are Jason and Tracy Day who are seconded to the Overseas Missionary Fellowship and serving in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
The Oakes Holiday Centre
The Oakes is a Christian holiday centre on the edge of Sheffield to allow 8 - 18 year olds to hear the Gospel message, to be encouraged intheir faith and to enjoy a great holiday.
Tear Fund
The Evangelical Alliance Relief (TEAR) Fund is an interdenominational and international Christian relief organisation working through local churches around the world in the fields of development, disaster relief and campaigning.
Hazel Gray
Hazel Gray has lived in Dore for many years, growing up as a member of Christ Church. In 2007, having finished studying Mathematics at Bath University, Hazel joined Wycliffe Bible Translators and, after a period of training in the UK, left for Tanzania in January 2008. She finished Swahili language study in June 2008 and then moved to Musoma in northwest Tanzania to start work on language orthography.”