
“Praise be to you, O Lord.

Everything comes from you, 

and we have given you only what comes from your hand.”

(1 Chron 29)



We believe that giving is not just about money.  But nurturing and growing our shared life and vision does require money.  

Christ Church Dore does not receive any regular funding from outside agencies, nor from the Government. 

Our income comes from the generous giving of church members, from our own pockets.  Some of it can be Gift Aided, which helps enormously. 

There are a variety of ways to support our ongoing ministry in the local community, our contributions to needier areas within the Diocese of Sheffield, and our mission partners in poorer parts of the world.


We know that some people like to make a donation each week via the collection plate or pew envelopes, but while we aren’t meeting face to face, that isn’t possible.

So we are introducing new ways to make Giving easier. 


If you follow this link, its takes you to our page on ‘Give a Little’.  This allows you to make donations (selected amounts or an amount of your choice), and add on Gift Aid if you are able.

If you wish to make a regular donation direct from your bank account why not set up a Standing Order.  Standing Order and Gift Aid forms can be found here below.  If you use internet banking, you can set this up yourself, otherwise return the completed Standing Order form to your bank. If you are not a tax payer just complete the right side of the form below  and send it to your bank.  If you are a tax payer the Gift Aid form should be returned to the Parish Office for our Gift Aid secretary. 

And last of all THANK YOU for your donations. We are very grateful. 


For further information, please click on the links below:

Names and contact details of the Financial Officers of the church

Details concerning Tax Efficient Giving (Gift Aid)

Any questions on items contained in this section of the website should be addressed to the Treasurer, Alison Saxton, via the church office

GAD and Bankers order - DEVELOPMENT FUND.pdf

Development Fund

Gift Aid Declaration and Bankers Draft

Christ Church would like to say a big thank you to all the members of our church and community who have given sacrificially to get us to within £25,000 of our target £920,000. We are on the last stretch now and will continue throughout 2024. WELL DONE EVERYONE.

GAD and Bankers order- Aug 2020.pdf


Gift Aid Declaration and Bankers Draft

If you shop online you can contribute to the Step into the Light project fund

Over 7,000 companies are willing to contribute to this project if you can join easyfundraising. It does not cost you a penny and all you have to do is sign up  here. Sign up and encourage friends and family to do so, to help us now and through 2024.

If you have any problems signing up  will try and help you.

CCD investment opportunity 7 Dec Final.docx

Finally you can invest in Christ Church in 2024.