Contact the Vicar and Team

We are led by:

Priest in Charge: Revd Andy Patrick

Church Wardens  Sarah Oxby and Lena Plaskitt,

Other members of Standing Committee or the lay leadership of the Church are:

Paul Archer  is the Lay Vice Chair of PCC

Anita Campbell is the PCC Secretary

Shirley Hollis is deputy PCC Secretary

David Wood is Deputy Church Warden

Deputy Church Warden vacant

Robert Hunt, Treasurer

Steve Clarke, Deputy Treasurer

Katie Casson, Parish Administrator

The Parish Office, Townhead Road,  is open Mondays and Wednesdays 9am to 3pm 

Katie can also be contacted by phone as she works from home each Tuesday 9am to 1pm.  Her hours are term time only and at other times you can leave a message on the phone or e-mail and a member of the team will get back to you.

Christ Church telephone line  0114 236 3335